About Us

It has been said by our COB, Mr. Charles Bollinger, that the definition of success; is “Seeing a need and meeting it."

Driven by a Goal

Offshore Marine Cranes

Gulf Crane Services, Inc. was established in 1982 by Charles Bollinger, Jr. COB, who saw a need for a reputable crane service company in the offshore oil industry in Louisiana and was determined to meet that need. Gulf Crane Services has grown from a small crane service company to a leading provider of services and products in the Gulf of Mexico.

We strive to provide the highest quality of service in the most efficient and safest way possible. We have managed, by every means available, to remain consistent and highly competitive in an industry, which changes almost daily. Gulf Crane Services is extremely conscious of working together with our clients for the most economically, efficient and environmentally safe conditions. Contact us today and learn what we can do for you.

Core Beliefs

It is our sincere goal that all of our new and existing customers will grow and prosper with us, and find themselves a satisfied part of our successful future.

Gulf Crane Services continues to listen and react to the “Voice of the Customer”, a phrase used in Quality Management Systems (QMS) like ISO and Six SIGMA. We place an extra effort to listen to the needs and requirements of our customers that drives us to be vigilantly proactive towards our customer needs. We have acquired the confidence of our customers by delivering the highest quality product at the best price with emphases for on time delivery.

Should a complication arise, we assure a quick and corrective action.


In order to continue to provide quality service we have enhanced safety standards, quality management and continued training in all departments i.e. API Standards, API, and SEMS II.

Gulf Crane Services is a member of DISA Works for 22 years, over 15 years with NCMS and 18 Veriforce/PEC Premier which are online compliance management companies for Operators.

GCS is a member of ISNetworld for 22 years and has earned the recognition as a RAVS Plus Participant and an ISNetworld Certified User.

Louisiana Worker’s Compensation Insurance Company (LWCC) has presented Gulf Crane Services with the Safest 70 Award six times.

LWCC also awarded Gulf Crane Services;a five-year consecutive LWCC Safest 70 Award. Only five of the numerous policyholders in Louisiana have ever achieved this standard of safety.