Gulf Crane Services training division has trainers to provide all Operators crane-training needs with specific detail to each company’s requirements. Since 2007, Gulf Crane Services has trained over six-thousand offshore workers regarding crane policies, procedures, and safety.
As leading experts in crane and lifting operations, Gulf Crane Services offers experienced, skilled, and qualified instructors with a combined total of 60+ years to ensure the highest quality of training. Gulf Crane Services Training departments commitment and goal is to provide excellent quality training programs and services to the latest API industry standards.
Gulf Crane Services offers the following curriculum’s and can create programs to meet the needs of your company.
Training Programs: |
Crane Operator/Rigger Training Certification Program

Gulf Crane Services has developed a Crane Operator and Rigger Training Certification Program that meets and exceeds any regulatory authorities.
Through Training Provider Certification Programs by API. We ensure the highest standard of quality, offering lifting training programs that meet and exceeds regulatory authorities such as, ANSI, API, ASME, BSEE,OSHA, and OEM's specifications.
Crane Operator Course
This course provides training for skills and knowledge necessary to begin working in the capacity of an offshore pedestal crane operator. Qualifying a candidate to perform routine lifts, personnel lifts and heavy lifts. Training will also qualify/certify him in all rigging and DSP qualifications.
Gulf Crane offers classifications according to the skill level of the operator. Classifications are as follows
Class A
- Operate the crane without limitations
- Based on experience and skill level
- Can make personnel, heavy and blind lifts
Class B
- Operator can lift up to 75% of the load chart
- Can do blind lifts
- Not allowed to make heavy lifts
Class C
- Must be accompanied by a class A or B operator
- Limited: cannot make heavy, blind or personnel lifts
- Limited to 50% of the load chart
This course has been formulated to train and confirm crane operator competency.

This course provides skills and knowledge necessary for trainee to begin working in the capacity as a rigger. Trainee’s will be qualified riggers for routine lifts, and serve in the capacity as a designated signal person (DSP) for qualified crane operators. It is designed to train and confirm rigger competency.

Inspector Training
This course provides skills and knowledge necessary for trainee’s to begin inspecting offshore cranes.
Forklift Operator Training Certification Program

Gulf Crane Services offers a Forklift Operator Training Certification Program in accordance with the Department of Safety. The course is comprised of a total of six classes and four instructional classroom sessions. Each instructional classroom session is four hours long. There are two hands-on training sessions, each hands-on training session is two hours long.
Gulf Crane offers two training locations; the main training facility is located in Covington LA, and a satellite facility in Broussard, LA.
Both facilities have on-site pedestal crane for in-house and customer training needs.
Our Training programs remain true to our reputation of “World Class” with experienced, knowledgeable and skilled; instructors who have worked 20+ years in the offshore industry as crane operators and/or mechanics. With Gulf Crane’s reliability, you have the assurance that the person making competent judgments relative to performance knows exactly what it takes. Further, offering proper equipment in our training centers we are able to offer practical training on real cranes, rigging, and equipment to ensure the students are thoroughly prepared for the challenges of the offshore working environment.
Our mission is quality through continuous improvement. Only through measurement, can we evaluate our performance and assess our efforts, prioritizing improvement for the offshore industry, which we do through our training programs.
Information relative to our highly skilled service technicians
Through our in-house and grant training programs over $125,000.00 per year is spent to maintain specific requirements to ensure our employees remain compliant in skills, experience, knowledge, and competency.
It is our responsibility to provide premier material, technical support and consistent improvement to all of our clients. This enormous responsibility is supported by a highly skilled and multi-talented employee base. In order to continually offer such high standards and quality; Gulf Crane Services takes pride in a continuous training program that meets and exceeds industry standards.
Our training targets to meet specific requirements and ensure improvement of our employee’s skills, experience, knowledge and competency. This specific craft training ensures that all our Service Technicians are qualified in their diverse fields having the ability to advance and excel in their performance that we offer to our clients.
For over 35 years, many offshore operators have relied on Gulf Crane Services to provide its excellent mechanical lifting expertise in the offshore industry.